Last week we received our bill from JCP&L. In the comment section it noted that our meter couldn't be read because they were unable to get to our house because the paper claimed that our bridge was out. It was or I should say it still is.
Everyday my wife, daughter and myself have been able to get to our house - not through walking or some magical conveyance that transports us over this broken bridge. No instead we have just driven our vehicles down the other side of the road that has the bridge out. Which incidentally, connects directly to Rt. 206.
This has been going on for nearly two months. My wife called them up and began to explain to the lady the situation. My wife didn't get half way through her statement when the lady at JCP&L stopped her and said: "I know the problem." She didn't say this to be rude or in a rude manner. She said this because by this time everyone else on my road had already called and explained the situation, as my wife was doing.
We're coming up on four months since the bridge washed away, and it's disappointing that it hasn't been fixed yet. We figured that the Township must have put JCP&L in charge of the program, which is why it isn't fixed yet. Not because they're an electrical company and they have no idea on how to fix road, but because when you get letters like we did from this company it's easy to lampoon them for every idiotic thing that pops up. Especially when they're JCP&L and it takes days to a week plus to restore power.
Of course this is a cautionary tale, but of what you can decide. It could be how not to run a company or how public utilities have too much assurance that they will not loose customers and therefore don't care about quality control. You decide.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Gingrich vs. Obama Gingrich vs Obama by jdgerpanzer
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Friday, December 16, 2011
The Texas Liberal vs the Reagan Conservative or Acting more like Obama then Reagan
Good for her. Assemblywoman McHose should withhold her endorsement. I know I do, and so should you. Former Gov. Mitt Romney needs to defend his record of big government and lack of conservative values. Keep in mind that we expect his opinions to vary over time. But instead of fighting tooth and nail on keep government healthcare out of the people's way. He embraced it. There are other areas where he is weak. The key point here is simple:
Just because our Governor endorses him doesn't mean we should. Christie is a Texas Liberal, and a New Jersey Moderate - maybe. So let's keep it this in perspective. Our governor has a lot of qualities that may get him big lift with some of the voters, but ultimately, he's no conservative that I would count on. His size matters not, his attitude - well I've seen worse and better. But ultimately I don't care about either. Our governor is more middle of the road, and appeaser of big government ideas and still believes that the core value of government is that it can fix everything. Furthermore, our governor is more like Obama then he is like Reagan. This alone should give you pause in your choosing.
Pick your candidates wisely, and not because you want to fall in lockstep with the governor.
I am confident that our representatives of the 24th District made their decisions based on thoughtful decisions, not because they were in lockstep. Their decisions were wrong, but the beauty of living in a free country is that they can make that decision - even if they are mistaken. Having said that - it's time for you to pick. Pick wisely my friend.
McHose Hold's Out - NJ Herald
Just because our Governor endorses him doesn't mean we should. Christie is a Texas Liberal, and a New Jersey Moderate - maybe. So let's keep it this in perspective. Our governor has a lot of qualities that may get him big lift with some of the voters, but ultimately, he's no conservative that I would count on. His size matters not, his attitude - well I've seen worse and better. But ultimately I don't care about either. Our governor is more middle of the road, and appeaser of big government ideas and still believes that the core value of government is that it can fix everything. Furthermore, our governor is more like Obama then he is like Reagan. This alone should give you pause in your choosing.
Pick your candidates wisely, and not because you want to fall in lockstep with the governor.
I am confident that our representatives of the 24th District made their decisions based on thoughtful decisions, not because they were in lockstep. Their decisions were wrong, but the beauty of living in a free country is that they can make that decision - even if they are mistaken. Having said that - it's time for you to pick. Pick wisely my friend.
McHose Hold's Out - NJ Herald
Monday, December 12, 2011
How not to talk about Mitt Romney or Just Vote for a Conservative!
Mitt Romney, isn't he special. Who else can you expect to give you two candidates for the price of one liberal. He has taken on every position and then taken the opposition position. So, wait around long enough and you'll find him taking another position.
So let's not rip on Mitt just because he's indecisive or because he's trying to be a liberal while trying to be a moderate, while trying to be a conservative. After all, it's so hard to be something to everyone. We know that the establishment sees him as the best chance to beating the President. And because of that we should all just give in and say he's our guy.
But in reality, what's the comparison. Now, I don't mean between Mitt and say Gingrich, or Bachman, Santorum or any other candidate. What's the comparison between Mitt and the President. For that matter what's the comparison between the President and ANY of the Republican Candidates.
That's the Question we should really be answering. That's right - not asking but ANSWERING! We don't need to find someone who is close aligned in an ideological fashion with the President, it's our job in the primary to find someone who will offer us an opposing view, an alternative to the current method of doing business. That's called CHOICE - as I am sure many of my liberal friends would define it.
It's okay to pick a CONSERVATIVE candidate who believes in the exact opposite of the President - because that opposing viewpoint can be challenged - not just by the President but all those who wish to question it. So here are some of the rules - perhaps - that you can use to find your pick from the Republican Field. And please notice which is last.
- Who is the furthest opposite from the President's Ideological base and philosophy?
- Who can DEFEND their position the best, without the hesitations, the hiccups of being on the spot - the smoothest communicators of fact from fiction and the best orator of your choice?
- Who can identify the weaknesses of the President's position (not just ideologically, but who can bring home the FAILURES of the Administration)?
- Who will be able to bring in MORE Conservatives into the Congress and build the Conservative movement - now - not later?
- Who is the most electable?
We want a candidate who is not only going to save our country. That man or woman will NOT be the same as our President ideologically. That person has to be the opposite. Answer these questions truthfully and not with the idea of who you like, but who you would choose.
Mark Levin
Mark Levin
'nuff said!
Why Scrooge was a Liberal
I believe Ann Coulter had it right, Scrooge was a liberal (click here to read Ann's article from last year's Human Events Webpage). Here's why:
In the beginning, Scrooge sites several government institutions to provide for the poor, as Liberals do today. He finds this as the appropriate method of providing care for those in need, despite the identifier that they are failed institutions. Why else would he talk so highly of these failed institutions, just as Big Government Liberals do for programs like Welfare and other government entitlements.
Now, to be honest, Scrooge isn't a liberal throughout the story. But it should be noted that what brought Scrooge around wasn't some fact finding commission, nor was it some government program that incentivized him to give charitably. No, it was GOD! It had to be God, unless there's some other entity out there that is direct ghosts. I do not think it was anyone from the Hindu belief, they would not have been sent to walk the Earth, instead they would have been reincarnated to a lesser form. Nor Shintoism because ancestors are venerated, not forced to walk the Earth in chains. No, I'm convinced it had to be God.
So how can we identify that Scrooge became a conservative? Well of course, he became one when he started to give. Notice here, that he did NOT give to the government programs to make them better. No instead, he went on a mission of personal charity giving. He didn't toss the coin out of his bedroom window to give to some government institution to get some food for the family. No, instead he bought food to give to his employee. The big turkey that came to Cratchit's house was not from a government meat program, but from the local butcher - who by the way - didn't poison any of the children who ate it.
So, next time you Conservatives get called Scrooge by some Big Government Liberal feel free to throw this argument at them and watch them 'Wallow in their pudding' - As Scrooge would say.
'nuff said.
In the beginning, Scrooge sites several government institutions to provide for the poor, as Liberals do today. He finds this as the appropriate method of providing care for those in need, despite the identifier that they are failed institutions. Why else would he talk so highly of these failed institutions, just as Big Government Liberals do for programs like Welfare and other government entitlements.
Now, to be honest, Scrooge isn't a liberal throughout the story. But it should be noted that what brought Scrooge around wasn't some fact finding commission, nor was it some government program that incentivized him to give charitably. No, it was GOD! It had to be God, unless there's some other entity out there that is direct ghosts. I do not think it was anyone from the Hindu belief, they would not have been sent to walk the Earth, instead they would have been reincarnated to a lesser form. Nor Shintoism because ancestors are venerated, not forced to walk the Earth in chains. No, I'm convinced it had to be God.
So how can we identify that Scrooge became a conservative? Well of course, he became one when he started to give. Notice here, that he did NOT give to the government programs to make them better. No instead, he went on a mission of personal charity giving. He didn't toss the coin out of his bedroom window to give to some government institution to get some food for the family. No, instead he bought food to give to his employee. The big turkey that came to Cratchit's house was not from a government meat program, but from the local butcher - who by the way - didn't poison any of the children who ate it.
So, next time you Conservatives get called Scrooge by some Big Government Liberal feel free to throw this argument at them and watch them 'Wallow in their pudding' - As Scrooge would say.
'nuff said.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Bureaucratic Hubris
It wasn't so long ago that I lived in Newton. I can tell you that it is a delightful town in many ways. You feel the smallness of it in a good way, not in that grumpy unhappy crotchety way of other small towns 'down the line'. Or the haughty, high and mighty approach that some towns within Sussex County see themselves add - or at least the management of those towns. But I digress.
Herald Article discussing Farmer's Market
The immediate concept of this topic is that the town of Newton has lost it's mandate. This problem is a symptom of a larger disease which has run rampant throughout our country, but can be summed up in this simple example. Towns have turned into Bureaucratic Monarchies filled with Hubris of their righteousness. It was said that the greatest thing about America was that it didn't have one king it had millions because everyone was able to make their own decisions and had as many rights as the King of England.
Not true anymore. We are no longer a country of kings but a country of Kingdoms, with little fiefdoms, lords, ladies and counts, dukes and earls. These kingdoms are the towns which set their rules and govern by fiat. Holding up people's dreams over some bureaucratic device that allows them to question, and overrule the individual trying to cut their own way in the world.
I understand that there is simple regulations that are needed, governance of the road system, maintenance of the utilities to an extent and a general common sense principal of living safely. But please - those who wish to say I am off my rocker, identify to me how a farmers market on a Saturday is going to upset a community of residential homes in an area that allows 17 and 18 year old students to park and drive in the immediate vicinity.
In other words, a problem plaguing the surrounding area of Newton High School is the inordinate amount of traffic in the morning and afternoon, the high level of roadside parking during the school day - Monday through Friday. How is a community which tolerates this, going to be negatively impacted by a bunch of farmers set up in the back of the school?
Answer - It's NOT!
So where does the fault lay? The fault lays in the build up of ridiculous ordinances, agreements, rules and bylaws set up by all the communities who use the identifier 'for the public good' as a shield for this silliness. People are suppose to be the governors over their land - not the government over the people's land. If the Newton Board of Ed. agreed to this deal, then it should happen. We shouldn't have to deal with silly laws which do not make common sense and who damage the public good in the name of helping the public good.
'nuff said!
Herald Article discussing Farmer's Market
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
TODAY IS A DAY WHICH WILL LIVE IN INFAMY! Today is Pearl Harbor Day. Let's observe the KISS PRINCIPLE.
GOD BLESS ALL THOSE WHO DIED THIS DAY 70 YEARS AGO! And may God bless all those who died before and after to protect our write to post this so that millions of others would have the opportunity to read it, accept or criticize it and live your life in happiness.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Be afraid, be very afraid. Lines we first hear in the 1986 version of THE FLY, but something that is very appropriate for a discussion on CHINA. The country is the largest population, and it's strengths are too many to list here. At any one moment it can pull the economic rug out from under the western powers because we have allowed ourselves to pull ourselves down at the hands of Chinese Bankers - i.e. Chinese State Officials.
China, it's government, financial institutions, military, and people are focused on growing and becoming greater than ANY OTHER COUNTRY. INCLUDING THE UNITED STATES! We should NOT fight them. Instead we should outgrow them. We should use our own economic engine to grow ourselves so big that we are unbeatable by them. We are strong, we are mighty and we will succeed where other superpowers of the world have failed. WE WILL NOT STUMBLE, WE WILL NOT FALL WE WILL RISE ABOVE AND CONTINUE TO BE THE MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
How to Humiliate those in Need or OBAMACARE on Steroids.
Below is an article on what we can expect from our President's healthcare program, better known as Obamacare. As you read and listen to your liberal friends tell you - NOTHING HERE TO LOOK AT! KEEP MOVING ON! Think to yourself, I'm glad their President is in charge, as you sip the lowfat unsweetened red bilge that passes for Kool-aide in the Obama Dopeyutopia of America.
Fear not, our feckless and fearful leader will not less us down. He will promise us billions in spending and trillions in taxes - and blame the rich for not being able to provide enough money to take care of THESE KIND of people. His class warfare and biased attacks on everyone from you to me will be par for the course.
Or, and this is more likely, he will blame BUSH for this heart wrenching situation. But I STRUGGLE. Universal healthcare is doomed to cost to much, provide too little care and ensure that the individuals subjected to it will either be forced to suck on their own viper bites, mend their own bones, operate on their own pustules or pump their own stomachs.
Whatever the home remedy would be, I can assure you that we will see a boosting of this market and a crashing of traditional healthcare. Because it will be safer then having to depend on the doctor who you will never get to see.
A good friend of the family who lives 'across the pond' in Kent, Great Britain, had an open wound several years ago. He is an elderly man in his 80's. Well, he went to the doctor's office - only saw a nurse, who put him through some bandages and sent him on his way. It didn't heal right and he had to return several times, never seeing a doctor and each time his wound became progressively worse. So much for stitching. So much for keeping him overnight. So much NONSENSE!
These two are prime examples of what are future will be under this OBAMACARE. GOD HELP US!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
How to Get from Newton to Sparta or The Flat Earther and the Christmas Tree
If anyone thinks that this is a coincidence, please let me know so that I can see if I can sell you some beachfront property in Nevada and that new bridge that went up connecting Brooklyn and Manhattan - I own several thousand shares in it. It has to be clear to anyone that the purpose of the letter was to shut down the project. Once again the no growth - flat earther's have figured out a way to harass and damage progress - in a very unprogressive fashion.
When are we going to take a common sense look at our wacky environmental packages?
1) Why is it possible for one letter to require any study - no matter who it's from? It escapes my low level of logic.
2) Anyone who has lived in Sussex County knows that the goal of any good Sparta Council person is to make sure that traffic doesn't flow anywhere through Sparta -except down the Route 15 corridor where everyone who drives it can be liberally ticketed to provide extra funds for Sparta Township.
That would be a gut reaction from a reactionary - but not me. In my mind this is all one big mess up. I mean why would a group of individuals wait until the final months of a deadline to drop a letter like this. I mean the intervening nine years of possible letters didn't come. I mean - let's be realistic - whoever pushed for this letter was just doing it from their moral ideals of collaborative agreement. I'm sure their progressive heart had remained dormant for the last decade, and was only suddenly awakened by the heart warming sounds and smells of winter. The chestnuts and the open fire, the hit of frost in the air or perhaps the wayward whiff of fumes from the diesel pick up pulling into the lot of some Christmas Tree farm so that some tree killers could do their worst on the ever dwindling supply of firs - and I don't mean the kind that come off the Coyote.
Good going oh senior moment man - who has decided to awaken from his slumber. Your journey is complete. Or is it, while you sit in traffic on Newton Sparta Road - you will be able to fill up at the Quick Chek and take a leak while you're filling your tank. You're gonna need it to get down the road - sitting in that traffic.
Your friendly neighborhood driver seat warmer.
Herald Article on Newton-Sparta Road Upgrade
When are we going to take a common sense look at our wacky environmental packages?
1) Why is it possible for one letter to require any study - no matter who it's from? It escapes my low level of logic.
2) Anyone who has lived in Sussex County knows that the goal of any good Sparta Council person is to make sure that traffic doesn't flow anywhere through Sparta -except down the Route 15 corridor where everyone who drives it can be liberally ticketed to provide extra funds for Sparta Township.
That would be a gut reaction from a reactionary - but not me. In my mind this is all one big mess up. I mean why would a group of individuals wait until the final months of a deadline to drop a letter like this. I mean the intervening nine years of possible letters didn't come. I mean - let's be realistic - whoever pushed for this letter was just doing it from their moral ideals of collaborative agreement. I'm sure their progressive heart had remained dormant for the last decade, and was only suddenly awakened by the heart warming sounds and smells of winter. The chestnuts and the open fire, the hit of frost in the air or perhaps the wayward whiff of fumes from the diesel pick up pulling into the lot of some Christmas Tree farm so that some tree killers could do their worst on the ever dwindling supply of firs - and I don't mean the kind that come off the Coyote.
Good going oh senior moment man - who has decided to awaken from his slumber. Your journey is complete. Or is it, while you sit in traffic on Newton Sparta Road - you will be able to fill up at the Quick Chek and take a leak while you're filling your tank. You're gonna need it to get down the road - sitting in that traffic.
Your friendly neighborhood driver seat warmer.
Herald Article on Newton-Sparta Road Upgrade
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