Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So what's the deal here? We have a Governor who has told us - 'I'm not running from this problem." No kidding Colonel Obvious. You have no choice. You have to create this budget and then put it in motion - so you have no choice.

As most conservatives, I've already written off this budget cycle as non retrievable. The Democrats have control of all three major branches of this government. They are going to force 'change' on us in the areas outside of the cities.

First Aid Response/ Police Protection:
Any town in NJ that doesn't have a police force in place is going to be forced to pay for the State Police (inaddition to paying through our other tax levy - sales and income tax to name a few). I'm not going to talk about their quality, they are good at what they do, but there are too few to cover such a large area. It takes over 20 minutes - even at the best speeds to get from Augusta to the other end of Deckertown Turnpike. So, someone robbing you - perhaps you can hold him there for 20 minutes. And did I forget to mention that you live in a MUST FLEE state (no I don't mean we must leave this state - although Corzine has decided to help out with that because he and his LIBERAL friends have been forcing Ameicans to leave NJ for a while now). This means that you have to run away, not resist and make sure that you leave the car and keys so the criminal can get away. Okay, the state doesn't require you to leave the car and keys - yet - sorry I gave them the idea.

As for Medical response. Corzine said on December 12, 2008 (aired last week)on INSIDE TRENTON, that he was ordering that 90% of charity care for hospitals be channeled ot the cities and only 10% to those outside of the cities. I guess we have rich charity cases out here in the woods, and those in the city have the really poor. I guess if you need charity care - you're heading to one of the 'urban' hospitals to get help.

I could go on - but why. He's actually trying to cut the budget, but as he says ' this pains us all, especially me' (or he said something like that) I almost fell over in my chair. The multi-millionaire whose going to spend more on this election than the candidates did in the last three elections (minus the one he was in) put together. Let's do what the Democrats due, that 60 million you have could be put to go use to helping the poor and needy. How about you give it to all those in need, you could house hundreds, feed thousands, care for so many people that we could possibly start UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE!

Don't worry, I don't expect him to do anything like that, after all he is a more traditional LIBERAL than anyone else who would be running. And he doesn't have to do that - he can just raise our taxes. Oh yeah, he already did that once. Wait, he could do it again, and again. That's what LIBERAL's always do TAX and SPEND!

I must admit I feel a bit bad for Corzine. The building is burning and he's saying 'It's alright, we're not burning as much as much as the guy next door.'