What kind of backwards third world company selects it's leader by a small percentage of it's stockholders?
What company picks the one that is 'liked' by the majority and not on the basis of their merit or accomplishments?
What company picks their leader based on the amount of money they draw into their coffers that convince their shareholders that they should pick that individual?
I'm sure you recognize, since you must be an intellectual giant, because you have chosen to read this blog, that I am in fact not talking about a company, but our country. And for the really astute of you I'm sure you have already figured out that I am talking about the Iowa Caucus - and who wants to try and figure that out anyway.
What I am trying to say here is that Iowa doesn't matter - not that our system is messed up. So Iowa doesn't matter - at least as much as people are making it out to sound and certainly not as much as one state in the Union can matter. There are forty nine other states and forty nine other chances for these candidates to get delegates for the convention.
There is an argument that Iowa is a smaller version of America. I think this is missing a larger point, there is NO smaller America. I don't know of anyone in Iowa who shares my same views exactly, or has the same thought processes of me. I am the only person like that, that's what makes us unique and makes us shine.
Keep that in mind this week as you see the pundits make their cases. For myself the only way that Iowa impacts me and helps me in MY decision process is simple. If any candidate is weak kneed enough to bail after this election, then they didn't deserve my vote and time to investigate them. I suggest you have the same thinking.