Last week we received our bill from JCP&L. In the comment section it noted that our meter couldn't be read because they were unable to get to our house because the paper claimed that our bridge was out. It was or I should say it still is.
Everyday my wife, daughter and myself have been able to get to our house - not through walking or some magical conveyance that transports us over this broken bridge. No instead we have just driven our vehicles down the other side of the road that has the bridge out. Which incidentally, connects directly to Rt. 206.
This has been going on for nearly two months. My wife called them up and began to explain to the lady the situation. My wife didn't get half way through her statement when the lady at JCP&L stopped her and said: "I know the problem." She didn't say this to be rude or in a rude manner. She said this because by this time everyone else on my road had already called and explained the situation, as my wife was doing.
We're coming up on four months since the bridge washed away, and it's disappointing that it hasn't been fixed yet. We figured that the Township must have put JCP&L in charge of the program, which is why it isn't fixed yet. Not because they're an electrical company and they have no idea on how to fix road, but because when you get letters like we did from this company it's easy to lampoon them for every idiotic thing that pops up. Especially when they're JCP&L and it takes days to a week plus to restore power.
Of course this is a cautionary tale, but of what you can decide. It could be how not to run a company or how public utilities have too much assurance that they will not loose customers and therefore don't care about quality control. You decide.