Tomorrow is one of the debates scheduled for the Republican Primary in NJ. It will be a big day. I hope to hear a lot of conservative talk. I know that Lonegan is someone who will walk the walk. I know that there are others in the race. I have listend to Christie before, seen him in different place. Lonegan is the guy who I see carrying this race. He is a unrepentant conservative. I know that the weeklystandard has said that he is an unrepentant reaganite - but he's not only that, but like Reagan he is unconcerned about people thinking ill of him for talking the truth.
He says the way it is. Dislike him, dislike some of the people working for him, look at the candidate and recognize that he is someone who is going to bring real change to the state.
The CASE for Conservatism:
The state has had liberalism at the top for decades. As a consequence we have a startling tax burden, an enormous budget, a staggering size for any government. The overpowerful state government needs to be reigned in. There needs to be a dramatic shift in policy - this can only be done at the top.
There's more. There is a lot of territory to retake back from the Dems. A governor who can reform the state along conservative principles is someone who will bring much of the rest of the state with them. AND, it will also be the first beat to bring the rest of the country back from the abyss of Liberalism.
Stand by CONSERVATIVE Candidates, not anyone who process Conservative values, but has social/and or fiscal socialist values.
We need to make sure that there is a break between Conservatives and Liberals. Liberalism is BAD and leads to the socialism that we are already seeing in this state now.
The CASE against Liberalism:
There needs to be a reason why we stand against Liberalism. It's not just an ideology, it's a DESTRUCTIVE ideology. It is killing our beloved country and state and making it hard to even feed our own children. Taxes are going to go up, taxes on everything. Taxes from the Federal government and the socialist who have captured control there. But there will be an increase in spending in our own little corner of the world.