Remember in the last election - the trainwreck of '08. Remember during a conversation with Rick Warren during the last election. Warren asked Obama about Abortion and Obama said a decision like that was above his paygrade. The liberal media's defense at the time was that Obama was talking about God.
After all, the religious zealot that he was, going to church regularly and listening to the Reverend Wright tyrannical and often anti-american speechifying - which the Reverend Wright must never have done while Obama was not in the house, was the cornerstone of the President's strategy to get the Evangelical vote - at least in 08. Today, he must have decided he doesn't need or want that vote, because the number of times that he has been to church, I can count on one hand.
And today our religious zealot of a President decided that he has finally started to make enough to comment on if Abortion is right or wrong. No big surprise to this blogger - he thinks it's not only a constitutional Right - but that it's purpose was to allow women to achieve the same goals as men - so it's an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ENHANCER!
On this, the 39th Anniversary of Roe vs Wade, which as a Wesley Clarke Liberal told me once - It was bad law and bad science of the time for that law to be decided - even if he agreed with it. A principaled argument - certainly someone I can respect more than the someone who makes the comment - 'It's above my paygrade.' And then the President goes as far as to identify how beneficial the killing of babies has been for Women's Rights. Well, could we make the argument that killing innocents in a genocide made it easier for there not to be conflict? No, it's an absurd argument - as absurd as the statement that Abortion has helped Women's Rights.
But what do you expect from a Paycheck President. It's like the conversation Tom Cruise had with Cuba Gooding Jr. in Jerry Maguire Stop being a paycheck player.
The President shamelessly played to his base on this argument.
When we look at the conflict with the Republican Party, and who will be the nominee. We see to many pundits asking and answering the question of if the candidate is 'electable'. What does that mean? What they are really asking is - Is the candidate liberal enough for the media and elites to vote for or the moderates. I'm sorry - these people will NEVER vote for a conservative - even if the Anti-Christ is running for the Presidency for their party (this might even strengthen their base's voter turnout)
The person who is running for the Republican Party NEEDS to be in direct contrast to the President. The Candidate needs to be able to articulate this message and not back down when he is given hardball questions.
We want a candidate who will not dust himself off when the liberal pitcher of the debates throws a ball at him enough to give him some chin music. We need a candidate who will give back more than he got in the traditional debate and in the numerous interviews and other 'gotcha' situations. We need someone who doesn't need a teleprompter to make memorable lines. We need a candidate who after he takes a fall, will get back on that horse and ride it to victory.
This person is NOT Mitt, nor Rick or Paul. It's a NEWT!