So Today I had the opportunity to brave the snow and go down to hear Steve Lonegan speak at his organization meeting for Sussex County. Steve wasn't the only one speaking. But the crowd, which appeared to number over 100 was very much into hearing what Steve had to say.
I truly believe that the only way to win is to be identified by the people who are voting. The voters need to know where you stand. Many Republicans in this state are of the mind - 'You can't win if you run as a real conservative.' This is the typical quasi-conservative - blue dog wanna be liberal. As I search the net, I read how people say you need to be a 'kindlier, gentler' persona to win the general election. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
VINI VIDI VICI! Caesar's words. Let's take a page from the dems on this one. Obama won because his message was heard loud and clear - and because he stole the Reagan line - cutting taxes. Now we all know that what he says and what does are to different things. And despite Obama's mentioning of cutting taxes, we all know that to pay for the enormous stimulus package he is going to either cut the military (a traditional democrat thing to do) or raise taxes (look another typical democrat thing to do).
But I digress, this is about Governor of NJ - NOT OBAMA. But it is important to note, that we need to stop the national plunge into socialism and the key state to do that is here - the garden state. The person we need running for this party isn't some quasi-conservative, liberal wanna be, kumbaya singing Republican.
We need a real conservative, someone who is going to cut taxes. If no one else in the primary is willing to commit to this, then they are going to loose. The Republican candidate needs to be a TAX CUTTER.
Win with a message:
Win with the message that you want. Eight years ago, when it was darkest for the democrats, they put together a start of their message. The environment: Al Gore struck a note with global warming and it was a rally cry for them democrats. They rose to the call, it helped that we went to war, and they then began beating that. It's important to note that it took several years for that beat to make it. It did, it was wrong (which is another discussion) but it solidified their party, while the Republican Party fractured.
What's the Republican message: CUT TAXES, CUT TAXES - Reduce government WASTE! Eliminate Corruption would be good to, but that didn't work after the horrid but short term of McGreevey (can anyone say Machiavelli). You get the point. Corruption isn't the ONLY issue, because that can be countered by the 'reform' that has been attempted already. But really, the only issue that can stand alone, stand out and grab people's attention and give Republicans a solid stance for winning is TAX CUTTING!
It is important to note, that whoever is the candidate for the Republican Party has to be pushing to get other Republicans elected in the rest of the state. The new governor needs friendly faces in the legislature, more than we have now.