Friday, December 16, 2011

The Texas Liberal vs the Reagan Conservative or Acting more like Obama then Reagan

Good for her. Assemblywoman McHose should withhold her endorsement. I know I do, and so should you. Former Gov. Mitt Romney needs to defend his record of big government and lack of conservative values. Keep in mind that we expect his opinions to vary over time. But instead of fighting tooth and nail on keep government healthcare out of the people's way. He embraced it. There are other areas where he is weak. The key point here is simple:

Just because our Governor endorses him doesn't mean we should. Christie is a Texas Liberal, and a New Jersey Moderate - maybe. So let's keep it this in perspective. Our governor has a lot of qualities that may get him big lift with some of the voters, but ultimately, he's no conservative that I would count on. His size matters not, his attitude - well I've seen worse and better. But ultimately I don't care about either. Our governor is more middle of the road, and appeaser of big government ideas and still believes that the core value of government is that it can fix everything. Furthermore, our governor is more like Obama then he is like Reagan. This alone should give you pause in your choosing.

Pick your candidates wisely, and not because you want to fall in lockstep with the governor.

I am confident that our representatives of the 24th District made their decisions based on thoughtful decisions, not because they were in lockstep. Their decisions were wrong, but the beauty of living in a free country is that they can make that decision - even if they are mistaken. Having said that - it's time for you to pick. Pick wisely my friend.

McHose Hold's Out - NJ Herald

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