Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to Get from Newton to Sparta or The Flat Earther and the Christmas Tree

If anyone thinks that this is a coincidence, please let me know so that I can see if I can sell you some beachfront property in Nevada and that new bridge that went up connecting Brooklyn and Manhattan - I own several thousand shares in it. It has to be clear to anyone that the purpose of the letter was to shut down the project. Once again the no growth - flat earther's have figured out a way to harass and damage progress - in a very unprogressive fashion.

When are we going to take a common sense look at our wacky environmental packages?

1) Why is it possible for one letter to require any study - no matter who it's from? It escapes my low level of logic.

2) Anyone who has lived in Sussex County knows that the goal of any good Sparta Council person is to make sure that traffic doesn't flow anywhere through Sparta -except down the Route 15 corridor where everyone who drives it can be liberally ticketed to provide extra funds for Sparta Township.

That would be a gut reaction from a reactionary - but not me. In my mind this is all one big mess up. I mean why would a group of individuals wait until the final months of a deadline to drop a letter like this. I mean the intervening nine years of possible letters didn't come. I mean - let's be realistic - whoever pushed for this letter was just doing it from their moral ideals of collaborative agreement. I'm sure their progressive heart had remained dormant for the last decade, and was only suddenly awakened by the heart warming sounds and smells of winter. The chestnuts and the open fire, the hit of frost in the air or perhaps the wayward whiff of fumes from the diesel pick up pulling into the lot of some Christmas Tree farm so that some tree killers could do their worst on the ever dwindling supply of firs - and I don't mean the kind that come off the Coyote.

Good going oh senior moment man - who has decided to awaken from his slumber. Your journey is complete. Or is it, while you sit in traffic on Newton Sparta Road - you will be able to fill up at the Quick Chek and take a leak while you're filling your tank. You're gonna need it to get down the road - sitting in that traffic.

Your friendly neighborhood driver seat warmer.

Herald Article on Newton-Sparta Road Upgrade

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