Thursday, June 5, 2008

Obama and the 'Message'!

Where do we sit nationally? It’s beyond the point of wondering how did we get here, two socialists/Marxist vying for control of the Democratic Party and a so so Conservative – who wants to be like by everyone, in control of the Republican Party. So what do we do and why?
At first I must admit that I wasn’t sure I wanted to even vote this November. But then I recently heard Col. North (ret.) talking about a group of Iraqi and American soldiers who had been working along the Iranian border. He was talking to the Iraqi leader and he found out that the young man had joined up in early 2007 at the time that the SURGE had started to kick in. And it struck me something very simple – that this young Iraqi had invested himself in success – as it appears much of Iraq has.
This all leads to the simple fact, a vote for the Obama or not voting for McCain does in deed give the enemy the chance to take the lead. Before you claim that I am fear mongering – look at the facts. Since 9/11/01 how many attacks have we had on American Soil. – Exactly.
Now Obama’s message is certainly enticing – isn’t it. Wanting a change in a country that hasn’t had an attack in nearly 7 years. How about those countries that have moved from the ‘hard line – and undiplomatic’ non-coddling of Hamas or the embrace of terrorists states such as Iran, Syria or the new up and comer- Venezuela? Looking at the countries that Senator Obama would like to emulate - the countries of Europe, which are currently struggling to find their own identity because of the massive riots and troubles with the growing Muslim population.
Freedom expression has been declared in the name of ‘hate’ mongering. Individuals are thrown in jail for giving their opinion, youths are allowed to run rampant through the cities, political cartoonist and the papers that publish them are threatened (and the government does nothing to support these threatened papers because of fear).
I submit the fear mongering is not coming from the Republican Party – the nominee or the rank and file. The fear mongering is coming from the Democratic Party and it’s presumptive nominee. “We don’t want a third term of George Bush!” He proclaims – I guess he is saying he doesn’t want the safety – or is he trying to say something else. What is the hidden message?
The hidden message is: “Voting for McCain is going to be a vote for the world to HATE US!” Please, if you disagree, then what is “more of the same” suppose to mean? Is the ‘good’ Senator promoting President Bush’s legacy or successes? I doubt it, I’m sure you doubt it. It’s a principle of rhetoric – the Mark Anthony way of saying something without actually saying something – getting the point across without coming out with and dirtying himself.
So be it. That’s why were here – so I am glad to give the Senator a hearty – GOOD SHOW! After all, it gives those of us here at the Patriot the chance to work.

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