Please Note: This is from earlier in the season - but posted here for your edification.
It's that time again. It's primary time around the world. Politicos are dusting off their caps and, getting their handshakes ready as they go out to court the voters. Yeah, we know that you have all been wooing and pooh poohing the national party warfare, but as once was said, and will be said again - ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL! And this is certainly the case when we look at the make up of our so -called esteemed House of Representatives. Every two years our Representatives need to trot themselves out in front of their constituents and convince them to make the trip to the voting booth. For some candidates, this needs to be done twice - as the last season showed.
Speaking of the last political season, the bloodletting and the contentious race between the different factions of the Republican party, which had worked to strike such a difficult cord throughout the county and threatened to give the Democrats a solid footing (at least the Democrats seemed to have thought so) seemed to be in the past today. This brings us to the events of today March 29, 2008...
Conservatism was alive and well today as the party faithful, and longtime supporters of Scott Garrett came out to give him a rousing campaign kick off at J.C.'s Grill in downtown Newton. The crowd was packed in tight, and it was clear that those there were glad to be there to show their support. Many conversed amongst each other, and for once the focus on the national campaign was something that few talked about. Instead, the conversations seemed to be focused on the impending Congressional elections, including Congressmen Garrett. Once again, despite rumors of a potential run from some district wide politicians, there will not be a contender in this round of the primaries. Instead, a united party showed up at the Congressman's Kick off.
Notables at the campaign kick off included recently elected State Senator Steve Oroho, the man who now holds the seat of retired State Senator, Robert Littel. Also present were Assemblyman Gary Chiusano, Freeholder Phillip Crabb. Freeholder Crabb recently was nominated for the position vacated by Steve Oroho when he defeated Ed Selby in last November's campaign. And lets not forget Assemblyman Michael J. Doherty who also was involved in the ceremonies. With a resounding speech based on conservative principles and ideas we were introduced to the Incumbent Candidate, Congressmen Scott E. Garrett.
What can be said for the incumbent Congressman is that he is a continual support of conservative values and is someone who finds it unnecessary to beat up on his opponent. There was no attack for the likely nominee for the Democratic victor, Rabbi Dennis Shulman. Instead Garrett, the gentlemen talked about his successes and his conservative principles, as did those who spoke for him. Often brought up in conversations was Congressman Garrett's controversial vote against Katrina Aide. At the time, Garrett had been lambasted by the press and it continued despite his calls for the need for fiscal accountability for the money sent in aide. As the facts would prove, this tough decision of an independent thinker held true. We still don't know where all the money went - Perhaps it's sitting in someone's freezer.
So now the contest begins. Only time will tell the victor, but Garrett has been successful in his last two campaigns and it appears he has a tough match up against the well financed Rabbi. The contest from the good Rabbi will be based on his desire to bring more influence of the Democrat's idea into the Congress, blame Bush, bring abortions down (that seems to be the modern form of Democrat Speak for pro-choice), bring our troops home (withdrawal without retreat), blame Bush, universal healthcare (through a bi-partisan method - which is also Democrat speak for creating a new entitlement to hold over the heads of low income - don't believe me - ask the Brits) , and did I mention that BLAME BUSH.
The New Jersey Democratic Party has deemed the 5th seat a 'winnable' seat for the right candidate. For them, that mantle will be held by Rabbi Shulman. The Democrat Party has been pumping money galore into the campaign in the hopes of unseating the popular Garrett. Admittedly, it's possible. There are more undeclared voters then either Democrats or Republicans. Bergen County has been steadily slipping out of the red field and into the blue field. The likelihood of Shulman beating Garrett will only be known in November. Until then, keep a sharp eye on this contest and keep checking back.
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