Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Fix
To re-establish this individualistic spirit we need to tap into the thought of freedom, explain to our neighbors that government needs us to survive – we do NOT need government to survive. The theory here is simple, without us the government doesn’t exist. The issue then comes getting the message out. The majority of our county carries that idea of individualism and self reliance – but the majority of the rest of the state is a nanny state. I know this is material that you already know – but honestly the answer is more then sending these other areas a message.
We need someone who is running for a statewide office who is NOT afraid to go into the urban areas and proclaim a conservative message. A message that will ring in the ears, hearts and minds of those who hear the true conservative message – the message that says – we each individually have the divine right of KINGS! That each of us is a king of our own castle and can and should make our own determinations on the future. That we cannot be forced to kneel before someone else – FREE MEN and WOMEN NEVER KNEEL!
But kneeling is just what those in the urban areas are doing. They are giving their souls and their freedoms to the ‘man’. They have given up making their own decisions because they allow a government that dictates to them – set’s laws and rules that are meant to ‘make their lives safer’ while stealing their liberty.
Cigarettes are bad for you. Make no doubt that they are something that can kill you. But when did it become the power of the government to socially engineer you as a citizen and tax you to the point where you are unable to afford to by these cigarettes and are now forced to quit.
Since when did the government have the power to dictate where your child goes to school and how they are educated – it’s happening right now. The government has the choice of your schools – not you. Any choice you make comes with a bank roll to back it up – cause private school is not cheap.
The list goes on. But I think you get the picture.
Class dismissed.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The problem with Bureaucracy
The bottom line for all of this is that the fix for the woes of NJ are not in one magic elixier – as I have said. The fix is in several areas, but these areas revolve around a common theme – Less Government control means more innovation and independence based on the consumer and the businessman. Ultimately, the goal here is to get government back on it’s feet, with government back on it’s feet, we have a greater chance of a resurgent economy – but we can’t get business back on it’s feet if people do not want to be here and the state is a hostile zone towards business.
It is not just de-regulation (to coin a Reagan phrase) that is needed – it is de-bureaucracatizing that is needed. One of the only things that I can agree with Jimmy ‘The Peanut’ Carter is that a zero based budget needs to be adopted. The Peanut’s plan of building a budget works in public industry such as schools and government. Start with nothing and justify why you need something. Some of these are obvious – police need cars designed a certain way – a no brainer. But there are other areas when a group would need to justify it’s needs by identifying it’s impact on the community. Spending millions of dollars to service a dozen people is not acceptable. I know these aren’t the numbers – so relax. I think that the disconnect here is the view of those who have and those who have not. It all comes down to one question – IS IT THE JOB OF THE GOVERNMENT TO PROVIDE FOR PEOPLE?
This question strikes at the heart of government. Government that provides for people – controls the people – but to what extent. It is the duty of government to protect the people from harm – according to social contract theory (which is the theory that we give up a certain amount of our rights given by God in order to gain a certain amount of freedom.). According to the model then – is it a pendulum of Freedom. In other words – when the pendulum is set so that we have more freedom – but depend on the government less, isn’t it true then that if we have less freedom we depend on the government more. The second one is the version that we currently face in this state and are moving towards nationwide – a ‘nanny state’.
Getting back the bureaucracy, I heard the definition of a bureaucrat today that I completely agree with – if a bureaucrat fell out of an office window it would take a week for them to hit bottom. Bureaucracy is the great strangler of our democracy and our society – because they are based on people who want to keep their job. If a bureaucrat fixes the problem that the group or individuals were put together to fix – then there is no longer a need for that part of the bureaucracy. So for that group of individuals to keep their job they have to ‘evolve’ their position or portion of the bureaucracy that they maintain to achieve ‘greater’ goals.
And so the bureaucrats build their empires because they are now providing more for the individuals who are no longer individuals but lemmings following the lead of the public dole. So what do we do about all these social programs and social engineering that the government has inflicted on these lemmings? If we cut them off cold turkey, do we face a situation in which they will be forced to improvise, overcome or adapt. Or is this going to be a case in which we struggle along for another election cycle hoping to pay the debt off sometime in the future.
Well, the future is now, and the time is right. If we do not change the system which is raping the individualistic spirit from it’s people and destroying the economic growth ability of our people we will soon slide down into the oblivion of revolving debt, and eventual societal collapse. If you cannot pay your debts you loose your house and all your property – forced to live out on the street. If the government doesn’t pay it’s bills (which it cannot) it will cease to exist as we know it – and then the collapse will be catastrophic – because at that point the government will NOT be able to maintain order – it cannot pay the police forces to maintain order because it has no money, in which case mob rule may come to pass.
I know – pessimistic and crazy talk. However, do not think that just because we live in a world in which we have a fancy way of life and are considered part of the ‘1st world’ that we cannot be brought to our knees if we are not vigilant. It has happened before in history – Greece, Rome, France, England – all of these are just a small selection of those who thought that they could not fall from power – and in many of these the societal collapse came about at the same time as other disasters and problems.
The answer in the next column – but if you are astute you have already figured out the answer.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Rob Peter – Pay Paul.
Now, I am one of those subway riders – I feel the filth collecting around me, not because I actually road the subway, but because the elected legislature – or should I say the Governor, the Heads of the Assembly and State Senate sat down and 'cut a DEAL'. Not really bothersome in itself except for that this is typical politics.
Here's the scenario. The democratic leadership has been winning and winning state wide for decades, but the problem is they are still getting hammered and do not control – all the vote – in the more rural areas. The Democratic machine has been able to blind the urban areas into taking and needing the dole of the government buck. Consequently, they are the proverbial fish on the line – the hook is so stuck into them that it would gut the urban areas if the state binstitutions and money were pulled from these urban areas. So, the state hook easily explains how much better life is now that the government is fixing things and taking care of them – and treating the citizen as if a nanny was taking care of them – thus the name: Nanny State.
So the government has the people in those areas so convinced that the public dole is better than standing on your two feet that they have managed to corner the vote by controlling the city areas of the state – which they have done quite well – with the help of poor republican candidates who had little or no chance of capturing the statewide position – nor of having coattails large enough to bring any conservative colleagues along to sit in the state legislature.
So the problem with the NJ State GOP is two fold. First they have to overcome numerical superiority and second they have to actually have a candidate who is worthy of the conservative title and the GOP name. Well, first off the first problem is really a misnomer. I stated that the republicans were out numbered – but not by democrats, instead they are outnumbered by INDEPENDENTS! Yes, the state of NJ is mostly INDEPENDENT!. There maybe pockets in which they do NOT dominate, but these are few and far in between. This unaffiliated independents are the swing vote that often decides an election.
So how do you get the conservatives back in power – and more importantly keep them there? Well, this is an easy answer. The answer sits with the the ancient strategist – SUN-TZU. He called for you to prey on your opponents most weakest points – and exploit their greatest weakness. In this case the greatest weakness of the democratic party is NOT corruption. This has been sold to often as a bi-partisan problem that it will not effectively sell as a good point for republican – in fact it can hurt if the democrat running points out the number of republicans who have had problems.
The achillies heel of the Democratic Party is their policies. For example:
The Democrats have to make a choice every election cycle – WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT THE FAILING SCHOOLS OF NJ? The Teachers Union pushes for more money and better working conditions for teachers – which is hogwash. It's no more the answer then is me walking about in a bikini bathing suit.
The answer is charter schools and voucher schools. Not to get too deep in to this – it's important that you understand that both of these – charter and voucher schools are schools of choice. Parents can choose to send their child there or keep them in their regular school. The Democrats don't support Charter Schools or the Voucher program because it would crush their largest constituents – the TEACHERS UNION. The Teachers Union is one of the largest lobby groups in NJ. They lobby \everywhere to get more control of money and funding into the Abbott school districts. So, it didn't stop the Democrats from increasing the amount of money that goes to school – while decreasing the amount of money that goes to the towns.
Where does this leave us – back to why the budget “DEAL” has made me feel filthy. Simply put – the reason why the Dems cut the funding for the Towns is simple. They are trying to force the towns to consolidate and turn those hard working – efficient and versatile small towns into larger unresponsive and troublesome towns that have high crime and difficult lifestyles for the individuals – forcing many middle income, middle class individuals out the door.
Come back for some more.....
Sunday, June 15, 2008
McCain's GRAND Strategy
He’s going for the two-fore vote. There is a clear division within the Democratic ranks. Those who are Hillarities are wondering if they should vote for McCain as a protest vote against Obama, for the way that he unfairly treated Hillary. And the rest of the democrats are concerned that the Hillarities will actually go through with this – or I should say the democrats who are trying to make the news – cause the reality is different.
So, McCain, believing this bit of intelligence from the intelligentsia of the media has swallowed the bait hook line and sinker. His approach is ‘moderate’ and ‘progressive’ (two words guaranteed to end with your gun taken away and your liberty a thing for the history books) and he is ‘wooing’ the Hillarities away from Obama. This is why we hear all those crazy whacko statements – like he doesn’t want to drill anywhere in the US. And why he speaks like a lib (and because he really is part lib – which in the lib media the part that they call ‘Maverick’). He’s thinking that if he can take away one of Obama’s supporters in the form of a Hillaritie, then he will be not only gaining a vote for himself, but lessening Obama’s support. A two for one deal! While my wife would be proud of him because of his consumer sense, no one else is.
So the truth is completely different. And there is a terrible flaw in this grand strategy. The truth is that those Hillarities are faced with the same decision all us Thomsonites, Hucabeeians, Romnities, Guilianians, and Paulistas – we either vote for the COMPLETELY unacceptable choice of the other party, or we vote for our own sometime liberty stealer and sometime lib sympathizer. Finally at last I found I have something in common with a Hillary Supporter – I feel like I need to take a couple of showers in an acid bath to clean my skin – as I’m sure they are think right now (or would that not be ‘progressive’ enough)
Friday, June 13, 2008
A Conservative Resurgence
Topic: How the Liberal’s just shot themselves in the foot.
Well, the liberal judges at the Supreme Court, supported and bolstered by the liberal establishment has demonstrated that they can’t be trusted with making decisions that help America. We all know this – you’ve read this plenty of places. But you know what. It’s not the end of the story.
THE LIBERALS HAVE SHOT THEMSELVES IN THE FOOT! And the reason why is because when these murders to make it to trial, they will be demonstrating to the world that they are Anti-American, Anti-Freedom, and Anti- Bush – murdering criminal thugs bent on the destruction of western society. The truth will come out, because the lawyers on the prosecution side will produce the number of recordings and other bits of information which are public use and cannot be ignored.
These trials will point out not only just how horrible these terrorists are – but by looking at these terrorists they will see the horrors that the Left has supported all the years. After all, it was the demagogues on the Left who have been pushing for this – giving rights to murders who are bent on the destruction of America. And eventually real Americans will have the chance to see just what types of people on the LEFT really are – the HATE AMERICA crowd.
I am confident – that in doing what the liberals have done today (and make no mistake that the Liberals have indeed crossed into politics and their argument shows it) the liberals have assured a CONSERVATIVE resurgence.
Unfortunately, this will be also based on the caskets of our dead soldiers from the criminals that will be released because of habeas corpus issues. When these criminals come back and attack American GI’s again, and our soldiers kill the bad guys – the liberals will be covered in shame.
It takes a GI to do what a Liberal couldn’t – Kill a Terrorist!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Why did Saddam have to go - why did we have to stay?
These questions have been asked for a good long time and while some may feel this is a dead issue, I think it is very much alive when I hear Obama and his ilk claiming the invasion of Iraq was an illegal war and a wrong war. Stepping around the facts that Obama has a tendency to suck up to our enemies and ignore our allies – we need to address WHY in fact Iraq was a ‘good war’ on par with Korea and WWII.
I mentioned how we saw the horrors of Saddam years before we actually invade, and we saw those struggling for Democracy crushed under his brutal heel, at the allowance of our own country – but that is beside the point. What is the point is that while in WWII we had only an inkling of an idea of the horrors, we did know what Saddam was doing.
We also know that he was buying off the terrorists who were blowing up Israel. I can understand the argument – well they didn’t seem to be blowing up American cities. My response – and Hitler didn’t get the chance to start killing American Jews – just the ones he could get his hands on then. Where do we stop evil? This is the real question.
Do we stop evil at the border, or do we go out and stamp it out where we find it. A brief lesson in history – President Washington cautioned us against getting entangled in foreign wars. Well, Washington was also a president of a country that had struggled to survive for the previous ten years, and would still face a century + of turmoil and tribulations.
The America of today is a vibrant, mature member of the world, and is in fact the leader of the world. We are threatened by various members of our world, and in fact the argument could be successfully made that other countries such as China and the former Soviet Union are more ‘clear and present’ dangers to our way of life. But they’re not up at bat yet. The bad guys we’re facing are the terrorists who wish to plant suitcase nukes in our cities and deadly spores in our malls.
Saddam supported these terrorists and therefore he had to go. Notice that when President Bush started to point out the terrorists regimes out there, how they became wobbly kneed and were started pumping out rhetoric because of their fear of an American Smartbomb. And so they should be afraid, because the only thing deadlier then an American Smartbomb is the AMERICAN SOLDIER!
As for why are we still in Iraq – we are still in Germany – we are still maintaining bases there. Are you really so naïve to think that we would be leaving Iraq in a couple of months? Yeah – let’s change the government and – then we’ll just leave them to their own devices. This is the Democrats argument – walk away and leave the mess to be cleaned up by someone else.
Hope you learned something – if not – too bad. Leave the light on for the next person who wants to learn.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Why Germany and NOT Iraq?
So, I’ve been struck by a couple of things that I have seen happening over the last several years and wondered what is going on. Yesterday I had the opportunity to see one of my big brothers and we were talking about – what else- politics. No big surprise there, my brothers conversation came on the heels of a conversation I had recently at work with a couple of co-workers.
One of my co-workers asked why we were in Iraq and had lost 4,000 of our young men, and how horrible that was to loose so many. So, honestly, I try to keep my mouth shut about politics at work. Don’t you know not to ‘you know what’ in your garden is the motto I try to live by. Well, I couldn’t let it sit, so I told her that we were helping the Iraqi soldiers train, building schools, hospitals and other institutions, helping the Iraqi’s patrol their border and protect their oil fields, and rebuild their infrastructure. As for their democratic institutions and do they want democracy – easy answer to that. Yes and the Middle East can have successful democracies. Just last week we saw the Turkish Supreme Court strike down a headscarf requirement of women who attended a university – citing the fact that it was a congressional law that came from – SHARIA Law – and therefore breaking the bounds of separation of church and state. Turkey is a mature democracy – because it has had Western aide for the last 50+ years.
As for the 4000 dead American soldiers – and while we’re at it let’s not forget the wounded who are NOT apart of that number – but are a higher percentage. No one wants to see our soldiers wounded or killed, but the hard cold facts are that on D-Day (June 6th 1944), the number of wounded and dead for the allies was nearly 8000 – and that was 1 day in WWII. Still ahead of us on that day was the discovery of the concentration camps, and the horrors of Mengala – there might have been whispers, but no true evidence. Still ahead of us were the horrors that would be uncovered of the forced labor camps for the factories, or the construction sites, the mass graves and the Nazi efficiency of death and destruction of those who were – slightly different. Still ahead of us were the horrors of reading books like NIGHT or The Diary of Anne Frank. Yet, it was okay for us to fight that war – our fellow Americans did not knock on the President, they didn’t call him a liar or a traitor. They didn’t use the weapon on criticism as a political tool (which is what is being used as now.) Republicans of the 40’s HATED and loathed FDR because of all his social policies – his successes and they vilified his failures. But the day after Pearl Harbor, there was not a word brought of decent against the President – not in the open – they still complained privately and they still whined about FDR and his party. But the news media didn’t sensationalize every misspoken word of the President, his crippled legs, his deteriorating health, nor did they swarm a politico whose mouth got away from him, they buried his words if they printed them at all.
It goes further; it took nearly ten years to ‘pacify’ Western Germany after WWII. Former Germany Nazi’s would string piano wire across a road at the same height of a G.I.’s neck when sitting in a jeep. The G.I. would be dead before he even knew about it – because many drove with the windshield down and didn’t know what hit them. But these did not dissuade America from putting together the largest financial aide package (if put in today’s dollars still the largest) in the history of the world – the Marshall Plan. There was complaining about putting former Nazi’s in charge of the government office (as is famous in the movie PATTON after the battles were won, but it hadn’t been used as a political tool against Truman, against Patton – yes, but not against Truman.
Before you get all whiny on me – I will answer why Iraq IS connected to the terrorists – but the short answer is a terrorist by any other name is STILL a terrorist!
Class dismissed.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
How to Win in November!
1) We must strike at what his core message of Obama. While we do not want to steal his message we want to show him for what he is – a Marxist dressed up as a Democrat. And we don’t have to get nasty – all we have to do is show his voting record and his comments. I am sure that there are plenty of sites already working on this – and I will link to them as I find them. You can link here for the stop Obama Express. And although this website does not yet have the positions Obama has taken – one of the things I find remarkable is how he is NOT a historian. From my understanding Obama has called for the reinstitution FDR’s new deal policies and has called the individual social security accounts suggested by the Republicans social Darwinism. Well, Barack either doesn’t know his history or he doesn’t know what Darwinism is suppose to be (probably both considering he doesn’t believe in Intelligent Design.) Many of FDR’s social plans were declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the Supreme Court, and the idea of individual social security accounts was an FDR idea – but never made it past the congress at the time. So we need to strike at him for his ineptitude and his ignorance.
2) We must ramp up our support of the local Republicans who are running for Congress. This year we must bring a republican congress back to Washington. We can give up on the Presidential Campaign (which I do not recommend), but we must drive the Democrats out of Congress for the good of the country. I know t hat this sound hard – but if we can’t do it this year, we need to lay the ground work to do it in 2010. In 2010 we must have at the very least a House that is Republican. Strong words – but the method is sound. I am going to reach out to the Republicans who are running in the neighboring districts – in NJ, PA, and NY to find out ways that I can help them. I will attempt to do interviews with them and record their speeches to put up on this website. We need to all reach out. I cannot donate so much as reach out.
Let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Obama and the 'Message'!
At first I must admit that I wasn’t sure I wanted to even vote this November. But then I recently heard Col. North (ret.) talking about a group of Iraqi and American soldiers who had been working along the Iranian border. He was talking to the Iraqi leader and he found out that the young man had joined up in early 2007 at the time that the SURGE had started to kick in. And it struck me something very simple – that this young Iraqi had invested himself in success – as it appears much of Iraq has.
This all leads to the simple fact, a vote for the Obama or not voting for McCain does in deed give the enemy the chance to take the lead. Before you claim that I am fear mongering – look at the facts. Since 9/11/01 how many attacks have we had on American Soil. – Exactly.
Now Obama’s message is certainly enticing – isn’t it. Wanting a change in a country that hasn’t had an attack in nearly 7 years. How about those countries that have moved from the ‘hard line – and undiplomatic’ non-coddling of Hamas or the embrace of terrorists states such as Iran, Syria or the new up and comer- Venezuela? Looking at the countries that Senator Obama would like to emulate - the countries of Europe, which are currently struggling to find their own identity because of the massive riots and troubles with the growing Muslim population.
Freedom expression has been declared in the name of ‘hate’ mongering. Individuals are thrown in jail for giving their opinion, youths are allowed to run rampant through the cities, political cartoonist and the papers that publish them are threatened (and the government does nothing to support these threatened papers because of fear).
I submit the fear mongering is not coming from the Republican Party – the nominee or the rank and file. The fear mongering is coming from the Democratic Party and it’s presumptive nominee. “We don’t want a third term of George Bush!” He proclaims – I guess he is saying he doesn’t want the safety – or is he trying to say something else. What is the hidden message?
The hidden message is: “Voting for McCain is going to be a vote for the world to HATE US!” Please, if you disagree, then what is “more of the same” suppose to mean? Is the ‘good’ Senator promoting President Bush’s legacy or successes? I doubt it, I’m sure you doubt it. It’s a principle of rhetoric – the Mark Anthony way of saying something without actually saying something – getting the point across without coming out with and dirtying himself.
So be it. That’s why were here – so I am glad to give the Senator a hearty – GOOD SHOW! After all, it gives those of us here at the Patriot the chance to work.
As for my brother, he passed the BAR and is now a lawyer in that great commonwealth known as Pennsylvania.
That's all for now, just wanted to give you all a heads up on what is going on. God Bless and God Speed.
It's that time again. It's primary time around the world. Politicos are dusting off their caps and, getting their handshakes ready as they go out to court the voters. Yeah, we know that you have all been wooing and pooh poohing the national party warfare, but as once was said, and will be said again - ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL! And this is certainly the case when we look at the make up of our so -called esteemed House of Representatives. Every two years our Representatives need to trot themselves out in front of their constituents and convince them to make the trip to the voting booth. For some candidates, this needs to be done twice - as the last season showed.
Speaking of the last political season, the bloodletting and the contentious race between the different factions of the Republican party, which had worked to strike such a difficult cord throughout the county and threatened to give the Democrats a solid footing (at least the Democrats seemed to have thought so) seemed to be in the past today. This brings us to the events of today March 29, 2008...
Conservatism was alive and well today as the party faithful, and longtime supporters of Scott Garrett came out to give him a rousing campaign kick off at J.C.'s Grill in downtown Newton. The crowd was packed in tight, and it was clear that those there were glad to be there to show their support. Many conversed amongst each other, and for once the focus on the national campaign was something that few talked about. Instead, the conversations seemed to be focused on the impending Congressional elections, including Congressmen Garrett. Once again, despite rumors of a potential run from some district wide politicians, there will not be a contender in this round of the primaries. Instead, a united party showed up at the Congressman's Kick off.
Notables at the campaign kick off included recently elected State Senator Steve Oroho, the man who now holds the seat of retired State Senator, Robert Littel. Also present were Assemblyman Gary Chiusano, Freeholder Phillip Crabb. Freeholder Crabb recently was nominated for the position vacated by Steve Oroho when he defeated Ed Selby in last November's campaign. And lets not forget Assemblyman Michael J. Doherty who also was involved in the ceremonies. With a resounding speech based on conservative principles and ideas we were introduced to the Incumbent Candidate, Congressmen Scott E. Garrett.
What can be said for the incumbent Congressman is that he is a continual support of conservative values and is someone who finds it unnecessary to beat up on his opponent. There was no attack for the likely nominee for the Democratic victor, Rabbi Dennis Shulman. Instead Garrett, the gentlemen talked about his successes and his conservative principles, as did those who spoke for him. Often brought up in conversations was Congressman Garrett's controversial vote against Katrina Aide. At the time, Garrett had been lambasted by the press and it continued despite his calls for the need for fiscal accountability for the money sent in aide. As the facts would prove, this tough decision of an independent thinker held true. We still don't know where all the money went - Perhaps it's sitting in someone's freezer.
So now the contest begins. Only time will tell the victor, but Garrett has been successful in his last two campaigns and it appears he has a tough match up against the well financed Rabbi. The contest from the good Rabbi will be based on his desire to bring more influence of the Democrat's idea into the Congress, blame Bush, bring abortions down (that seems to be the modern form of Democrat Speak for pro-choice), bring our troops home (withdrawal without retreat), blame Bush, universal healthcare (through a bi-partisan method - which is also Democrat speak for creating a new entitlement to hold over the heads of low income - don't believe me - ask the Brits) , and did I mention that BLAME BUSH.
The New Jersey Democratic Party has deemed the 5th seat a 'winnable' seat for the right candidate. For them, that mantle will be held by Rabbi Shulman. The Democrat Party has been pumping money galore into the campaign in the hopes of unseating the popular Garrett. Admittedly, it's possible. There are more undeclared voters then either Democrats or Republicans. Bergen County has been steadily slipping out of the red field and into the blue field. The likelihood of Shulman beating Garrett will only be known in November. Until then, keep a sharp eye on this contest and keep checking back.