The case of the Iowa Caucus:
At first, let me disclose that currently I am struggling with my vote. A) Paul is completely out of the running for me - his foreign policy is just too extreme. B) I like Santorum, but I don't know enough about him to make a judgement of yes or no. C) I like Gingrich because I know he will hammer the President in the Debates and because he can deliver the Conservative Message - he has his bona fides D) I just don't know if Perry has it in him to finish the job of winning against Obama. He will have to overcome the 'Another Texan like George W' syndrome. I liked W, but I'm not the only person voting in this election. And E) Romney is not a consideration for me. Not looking for a used car salesman for President, and I just don't think he can win. So now you know where I am coming from, and my "BIAS". Here's WHY:
A win is still a win. If you win by limping over the finish line while your next closets competitor is running at full blast, and you just happen to have enough distance and time ahead of your opponent to get across the line first - well YOU WON! Just as Rocky Balboa in Rocky II or better yet Apollo Creed "Now, when you beat me, you beat me by one... ONE... second. Now do you know what something like that does to a man of my intelligence?" (He wrote sarcastically.)
We know that Santorum is certainly not feeling bad about his near win - at least he shouldn't. The person here who should feel bad is the anointed one - Romney. Because Iowa didn't show his strength - it showed his weakness. Yes, I said weakness.
Remember he's suppose to be the guy whose drawing in the moderates - because he's not extreme like some of the base want their candidate to be. Remember because of his ability to work with Liberals in Massachusetts - he's suppose to be the perfect candidate to pick off votes from the President.
My first reaction to this is - If you (and I mean all those out there that are interested in voting for Romney) truly believe that Democrats and Moderates will vote for Romney because he isn't extreme, I guess then during the 2008 election what we saw was a lot of people who thought that the policies projected by then Senator Obama was Moderate. If you truly believe this - I have a big piece of property that crosses the East River that you need to buy from me as soon as you can.
Seriously. Understand that the person that is our candidate needs to be a Conservative, someone who can draw a stark contrast between the Left and the Right. This is NOT Romney. To boot - he is vulnerable to the flip flop attacks that crushed Kerry and McCain.
Worse, he doesn't have an anchor. At no point in his past did he truly push a conservative agenda, that's the anchor that he is missing. Unlike Democrats we need our representative to have a solid background, someone who has demonstrated great leadership and or strong conservative values.
Democrats fawned over the empty suit of Barack Obama in 2008. Historically - Conservatives don't look for an empty suit - they look for a REAGAN, who was anything but an empty suit.
Below is an example of Romney Weakness. Review it for yourself. Hat tip to Eric Bolling and THE FIVE for having this piece on their show today.
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