Friday, January 30, 2009

Debate Day

Tomorrow is one of the debates scheduled for the Republican Primary in NJ. It will be a big day. I hope to hear a lot of conservative talk. I know that Lonegan is someone who will walk the walk. I know that there are others in the race. I have listend to Christie before, seen him in different place. Lonegan is the guy who I see carrying this race. He is a unrepentant conservative. I know that the weeklystandard has said that he is an unrepentant reaganite - but he's not only that, but like Reagan he is unconcerned about people thinking ill of him for talking the truth.

He says the way it is. Dislike him, dislike some of the people working for him, look at the candidate and recognize that he is someone who is going to bring real change to the state.

The CASE for Conservatism:
The state has had liberalism at the top for decades. As a consequence we have a startling tax burden, an enormous budget, a staggering size for any government. The overpowerful state government needs to be reigned in. There needs to be a dramatic shift in policy - this can only be done at the top.

There's more. There is a lot of territory to retake back from the Dems. A governor who can reform the state along conservative principles is someone who will bring much of the rest of the state with them. AND, it will also be the first beat to bring the rest of the country back from the abyss of Liberalism.

Stand by CONSERVATIVE Candidates, not anyone who process Conservative values, but has social/and or fiscal socialist values.

We need to make sure that there is a break between Conservatives and Liberals. Liberalism is BAD and leads to the socialism that we are already seeing in this state now.

The CASE against Liberalism:
There needs to be a reason why we stand against Liberalism. It's not just an ideology, it's a DESTRUCTIVE ideology. It is killing our beloved country and state and making it hard to even feed our own children. Taxes are going to go up, taxes on everything. Taxes from the Federal government and the socialist who have captured control there. But there will be an increase in spending in our own little corner of the world.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Leroy and the day at the Mall.

So there I was. Sitting in the wheelchair, looking around the big open space of the Mall. Yeah, I had heard of the Big O doing his speech. How could I have missed it. All I Had to do was turn my head towards one of the big old TV’s that are spread around and I could see his head on the screen.

Oh what a moment it was. I really enjoyed seeing that big man on the screen, just think a black man like me could actually be president of the United States. Not that I could ever do something like that. I cant even walk, cause of my disease. I know that’ll all change now because of the Big O has got my back and he’s gonna get me nationalized health care.

He might even be able to get me to walk again. Ought to be pretty expensive, but the Big O says he gonna ‘take care of me.’ That good ol’ health care system that Igot now, you know the stuff they give to Vet’s. Well, it’s done tried to make things work for me, but with this new health care system coming, I’m gonna fly, the Big O promised me.

So, here I am thinking of all the dreams and hopes that I have now that the Big O is prez, I’m just rolling down the avenue in front of where I was yesterday, when all the big events was going on, and I can’t tell you what I saw. Yesterday there was an ocean of people, today there’s an ocean of garbage.

Why is it that all those people have to mess up my front yard. No, I don’t sleep in the whitehouse. I sleep behind the American Museum. There’s a small hovel back there where I can hide at night. I don’t have to worry about someone mugging me (not that I got anything). I don’t have to worry about someone giving me a hard time, All I gots to remember is to cover myself on the cold nights. No big deal really. This way I can’t get harassed by the bad men or the cops.

I reach down and try and pick some of it up. A policeman comes over and asks me what I’m doing. I said to him, ‘leave me alone copper, I got the Big o on my side.’ He backed off, cause he knew that things have changed. Before the Big O, I had the Lord Jesus on my side. The Big W had made sure by getting the gov to give money to charities, but heck with that now. I don’t need no Jesus, I got something better on my side – the BIG O.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So what's the deal here? We have a Governor who has told us - 'I'm not running from this problem." No kidding Colonel Obvious. You have no choice. You have to create this budget and then put it in motion - so you have no choice.

As most conservatives, I've already written off this budget cycle as non retrievable. The Democrats have control of all three major branches of this government. They are going to force 'change' on us in the areas outside of the cities.

First Aid Response/ Police Protection:
Any town in NJ that doesn't have a police force in place is going to be forced to pay for the State Police (inaddition to paying through our other tax levy - sales and income tax to name a few). I'm not going to talk about their quality, they are good at what they do, but there are too few to cover such a large area. It takes over 20 minutes - even at the best speeds to get from Augusta to the other end of Deckertown Turnpike. So, someone robbing you - perhaps you can hold him there for 20 minutes. And did I forget to mention that you live in a MUST FLEE state (no I don't mean we must leave this state - although Corzine has decided to help out with that because he and his LIBERAL friends have been forcing Ameicans to leave NJ for a while now). This means that you have to run away, not resist and make sure that you leave the car and keys so the criminal can get away. Okay, the state doesn't require you to leave the car and keys - yet - sorry I gave them the idea.

As for Medical response. Corzine said on December 12, 2008 (aired last week)on INSIDE TRENTON, that he was ordering that 90% of charity care for hospitals be channeled ot the cities and only 10% to those outside of the cities. I guess we have rich charity cases out here in the woods, and those in the city have the really poor. I guess if you need charity care - you're heading to one of the 'urban' hospitals to get help.

I could go on - but why. He's actually trying to cut the budget, but as he says ' this pains us all, especially me' (or he said something like that) I almost fell over in my chair. The multi-millionaire whose going to spend more on this election than the candidates did in the last three elections (minus the one he was in) put together. Let's do what the Democrats due, that 60 million you have could be put to go use to helping the poor and needy. How about you give it to all those in need, you could house hundreds, feed thousands, care for so many people that we could possibly start UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE!

Don't worry, I don't expect him to do anything like that, after all he is a more traditional LIBERAL than anyone else who would be running. And he doesn't have to do that - he can just raise our taxes. Oh yeah, he already did that once. Wait, he could do it again, and again. That's what LIBERAL's always do TAX and SPEND!

I must admit I feel a bit bad for Corzine. The building is burning and he's saying 'It's alright, we're not burning as much as much as the guy next door.'

Monday, January 12, 2009

Going with the statistics found at ( and you will see how the image looks in the state of NJ. It seems that little is known about our politicians and that there is a long hard road for Republicans. What a discouraging piece. To bad this was already known so Thurman gets the Captain Obvious award for this week (even though he's just going off the polls fed to him.) It's even harder for someone like Lonegan who is the conservative candidate while Chris Christie is the pseudo-conservative.

Let's break down the numbers. What we have mostly is the unknown. Nearly a fifth of the electorate in New Jersey do not have enough information about the Senators to ahve an opinion, and a whole 12& for Corzine. 12% for the biggest, most high profile job in the state is NOT good news for Corzine - no matter how you slice it. And this is AFTER the man has been canvasing the state to gain support for this years budget. The Democrats are a group of unknown individuals by a large segment of society. Additionally, what society does know about them has a strong negative - the positive/unpositive ratings are less then or greater then 5%. So, the Democrats (especially Corzine who is the negative nelly in the group) have to be very careful of their actions.

Thurman says that the good news for Republicans is that voters don't know them - I would think that would be the good news for the Democrats - cause the voter DOESN'T know those who are HOLDING the seat.

Chris Christie is not a bad person, but running him is not going to get us the 'change' we need, and honestly, he hasn't thrown his conservative credentials out there enough - so there might be hope for him as well. It will be interesting to see the upcoming campaign. But again, I must reiterate, that this campaign needs a true CONSERVATIVE to deliniate the difference between the Liberal and Conservative.

I once watched Gov. Corzine on C-SPAN (back when he was a lowly Senator) and he said something to the effect that the Democrats could run a dog and they would call him a Liberal - Wrong. We would call him a DOG! A Liberal is a Liberal is a Liberal. When he looks in the mirror every morning he doesn't see a TAX CUTTING CONSERVATIVE - he sees a TAX INCREASING LIBERAL! Big difference between the two - and we need a Candidate who is NOT afraid to use the L word.

One thing that is clear is that Lonegan is a conservative, and he is a proud - out there conservative. He doesn't feel the need to hide his true feelings and you can hear this in what he says and see in what he writes. What we need this coming election is someone who is a Conservative with a capital C - the opposite of what we now have in office - which is someone with a capital L.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lonegan for Governor?

So Today I had the opportunity to brave the snow and go down to hear Steve Lonegan speak at his organization meeting for Sussex County. Steve wasn't the only one speaking. But the crowd, which appeared to number over 100 was very much into hearing what Steve had to say.

I truly believe that the only way to win is to be identified by the people who are voting. The voters need to know where you stand. Many Republicans in this state are of the mind - 'You can't win if you run as a real conservative.' This is the typical quasi-conservative - blue dog wanna be liberal. As I search the net, I read how people say you need to be a 'kindlier, gentler' persona to win the general election. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!

VINI VIDI VICI! Caesar's words. Let's take a page from the dems on this one. Obama won because his message was heard loud and clear - and because he stole the Reagan line - cutting taxes. Now we all know that what he says and what does are to different things. And despite Obama's mentioning of cutting taxes, we all know that to pay for the enormous stimulus package he is going to either cut the military (a traditional democrat thing to do) or raise taxes (look another typical democrat thing to do).

But I digress, this is about Governor of NJ - NOT OBAMA. But it is important to note, that we need to stop the national plunge into socialism and the key state to do that is here - the garden state. The person we need running for this party isn't some quasi-conservative, liberal wanna be, kumbaya singing Republican.

We need a real conservative, someone who is going to cut taxes. If no one else in the primary is willing to commit to this, then they are going to loose. The Republican candidate needs to be a TAX CUTTER.

Win with a message:

Win with the message that you want. Eight years ago, when it was darkest for the democrats, they put together a start of their message. The environment: Al Gore struck a note with global warming and it was a rally cry for them democrats. They rose to the call, it helped that we went to war, and they then began beating that. It's important to note that it took several years for that beat to make it. It did, it was wrong (which is another discussion) but it solidified their party, while the Republican Party fractured.

What's the Republican message: CUT TAXES, CUT TAXES - Reduce government WASTE! Eliminate Corruption would be good to, but that didn't work after the horrid but short term of McGreevey (can anyone say Machiavelli). You get the point. Corruption isn't the ONLY issue, because that can be countered by the 'reform' that has been attempted already. But really, the only issue that can stand alone, stand out and grab people's attention and give Republicans a solid stance for winning is TAX CUTTING!

It is important to note, that whoever is the candidate for the Republican Party has to be pushing to get other Republicans elected in the rest of the state. The new governor needs friendly faces in the legislature, more than we have now.