Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Singapore and Australia - All of these countries have something in common with the US. They face the threat of military naval force from the growing Panda on the Continent of Asia. China is dangerous. There's no way around that statement. It's dangerous economically, militarily and politically. It has tried to brand the cross between consumer capitalism and utopian communism. It has done neither. Instead it has created the real version of Crony Capitalism - the kind where an elite few run, dominate and control every aspect of a society that is inherently intreveted.

Be afraid, be very afraid. Lines we first hear in the 1986 version of THE FLY, but something that is very appropriate for a discussion on CHINA. The country is the largest population, and it's strengths are too many to list here. At any one moment it can pull the economic rug out from under the western powers because we have allowed ourselves to pull ourselves down at the hands of Chinese Bankers - i.e. Chinese State Officials.

China, it's government, financial institutions, military, and people are focused on growing and becoming greater than ANY OTHER COUNTRY. INCLUDING THE UNITED STATES! We should NOT fight them. Instead we should outgrow them. We should use our own economic engine to grow ourselves so big that we are unbeatable by them. We are strong, we are mighty and we will succeed where other superpowers of the world have failed. WE WILL NOT STUMBLE, WE WILL NOT FALL WE WILL RISE ABOVE AND CONTINUE TO BE THE MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!

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