Sunday, June 8, 2008

How to Win in November!

I do not believe that we will win this election season by calling Obama on the carpet for his connections to shady, morally challenged and down right anti-american’s – even if they are related to him. No, these are not the techniques that are needed. They will be viewed by the left as personal attacks and a desperate method of keeping a man of color from the white house. It will not matter the truth of them, or the voracity in which we point it out. No, what, if anything, will win us the day is a two fold strategy of attack. Nor will we win by trying to take his key phrase ‘change’ from him. I watched this morning as Governor Tim Pawlenty tried to subvert the message of Obama. This is a guaranteed bad move. It shows that McCain has no new ideas. But I am not here to discuss just Sen. McCain and his bad strategies. And the good Lord knows that I am no great fan of the Senator from Arizona. So here is the strategy I am thinking of. There is no certainty that someone else has said it, but it’s what I have been thinking.

1) We must strike at what his core message of Obama. While we do not want to steal his message we want to show him for what he is – a Marxist dressed up as a Democrat. And we don’t have to get nasty – all we have to do is show his voting record and his comments. I am sure that there are plenty of sites already working on this – and I will link to them as I find them. You can link here for the stop Obama Express. And although this website does not yet have the positions Obama has taken – one of the things I find remarkable is how he is NOT a historian. From my understanding Obama has called for the reinstitution FDR’s new deal policies and has called the individual social security accounts suggested by the Republicans social Darwinism. Well, Barack either doesn’t know his history or he doesn’t know what Darwinism is suppose to be (probably both considering he doesn’t believe in Intelligent Design.) Many of FDR’s social plans were declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the Supreme Court, and the idea of individual social security accounts was an FDR idea – but never made it past the congress at the time. So we need to strike at him for his ineptitude and his ignorance.
2) We must ramp up our support of the local Republicans who are running for Congress. This year we must bring a republican congress back to Washington. We can give up on the Presidential Campaign (which I do not recommend), but we must drive the Democrats out of Congress for the good of the country. I know t hat this sound hard – but if we can’t do it this year, we need to lay the ground work to do it in 2010. In 2010 we must have at the very least a House that is Republican. Strong words – but the method is sound. I am going to reach out to the Republicans who are running in the neighboring districts – in NJ, PA, and NY to find out ways that I can help them. I will attempt to do interviews with them and record their speeches to put up on this website. We need to all reach out. I cannot donate so much as reach out.

Let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks for reading.

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